Friday, October 24, 2008

Muffin Run

Went on a great run tonight just as the sun was setting. It was a HOT 90 degree santa ana winds kind of day at the beach. But so dry (3% humidity) it never felt that hot.
Anyway, Muffin is the best runner
and she sets a brisk pace for me. The entire time she's smiling and frequently looking up at me as I tell her what good and pretty girl she is.
We ran about 4 miles in 26 minutes around the canal and the beach.
I only take her late in the day or she'll get too hot. Muffin stays focused on the run and doesn't get distracted by other dogs or her normal desire to pee every 50 ft. Considering the poor little girl had 2 broken hips when they found her abandoned near downtown los angeles, she's very athletic.

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